Lindsay Kantor of our Health Law Group to participate as faculty in Osgoode's Prosecuting and Defending Professional Discipline Cases program
Lindsay Kantor will be participating as faculty at the upcoming Osgoode Professional Development program on Prosecuting and Defending Professional Discipline Cases. Lindsay will be leading a session titled The Paper Chase: Documentary Requests and Production.
This perennially successful OsgoodePD program will take place on April 24th from 8:30am - 4:30pm at the Osgoode Professional Development Centre.
Topics include:
- Assessing duties and powers
- Duty of good faith, neutrality, and reasonableness
- The professional’s duty to co-operate and its limits
- Internal investigations, privilege, and privacy obligations
- Documentary requests and production
- Challenging the adequacy of disclosure to the respondent
- Delay/abuse of process: how long is too long?
- The standard of practice: battle of the experts
- The hearing: evidence and its presentation, penalties, costs, and settlement
- Dealing effectively with concurrent criminal and civil proceedings
- Court challenges to professional discipline decisions
- Ethical and professional issues in professional discipline practice
For more information or to register, visit Osgoode Professional Development online.